
QUIZ: What Kind Of Cat Are You?

  • Question of

    What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

    • Napping
    • Exploring new places
    • Playing sports
    • Spending time with your loved ones
  • Question of

    How do you react to meeting new people?

    • I hide or avoid them
    • I joke around with them
    • I give them hugs
    • I greet them and ask them questions
  • Question of

    How do you like to hang out with your friends?

    • I just love being around friends, whatever we are doing
    • Watching movies or chilling with friends
    • I like to try new activities with friends
    • I like to travel with friends
  • Question of

    What is your favorite thing to eat?

    • Dinner
    • Snacks
    • Brunch
    • Dessert
  • Question of

    Where is your favorite place to get some ZzZzs?

    • My cozy bed
    • Anywhere warm and soft
    • Outside in the sun
    • The couch
  • Question of

    Boom! There’s a loud noise. What do you do?

    • I ignore it and move on
    • I investigate to see what caused it
    • I get scared and seek comfort
    • I run and hide
  • Question of

    Where do you like to be touched?

    • On my face and neck
    • Scratching my head
    • On my back
    • All over
  • Question of

    You just bought a new game. What happens?

    • I leave it in it’s packaging and plan to play someday
    • I read the manual and learn the game before I play
    • I immediately start playing it
    • I keep playing my old game for now
  • Question of

    How do you react when you see a cat?

    • I don’t do anything
    • I play with the cat
    • I cautiously say hello
    • I prefer there was no cat..
  • Question of

    You just moved into a new neighborhood. How do you react to this new environment?

    • I need time to adjust
    • I explore the area
    • I stay in the house
    • I make friends and join groups

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